Monday, June 20, 2011

Baby Birds, Amber and Naomi

Older babies in the aviary.
Groucho, getting bigger.
It's a beautiful day in Pasadena.  Lots of folks strolling in Old Town, shopping the upscale hood and stopping for drinks in cute sidewalk cafes.  I'm using the net at the Apple Store after picking up my newly repaired MacBook Pro.  I bought a new Iphone yesterday - my main tool on the road!  All is well at Paul and Donna's - Groucho is growing and has new feathers.  Check him out!

Lots of birds means lots of sound!
I love the orange color of this breeding male (I think he's a male...)
A peaceful place to enjoy the canary song.
Or this bench perhaps?  Just lovely...
Amber, my little buddy.  I think she's missing her peeps though.
Naomi the cat.  Ate a rat.  Left the innards for the ants.  Strong work.

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