Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Great Day Gearing up with Paul and Donna

Trail Angels Checking the water at Barrel Springs,
8.5 miles to Warner Hot Springs

We began our day with a meal at the golf course restaurant (which was awful) followed by a sunshine soak in the Warner Hot Springs, recently filled with brand new hot spring water.  We then changed and headed to Temecula, Chance's home town of the last five years.  We had some shopping and grocery resupplies to obtain, and finished up the day with burgers at Madeline's - known for "the best burgers in California".  Chance had fish and sweet potato fries, but Donna and Paul and I indulged in huge burgers and fries with Root Beers to drink.  Oh yes, it was a tasty treat....

Arrival at Warner Hot Springs
Kit Carson Residence
Donna does her Esther Williams imitation.
Chance and Paul are backup water dancers.

Burgers and Root Beers in Temecula!
After the burger joint, we headed down the street to the candy store, where we made our selections and Chance paid almost $40 for our candy by the pound....crazy!  But the retro candy made us all feel like kids again, and as we drove to Chance's cousins house to see her new baby girl, we all ate from each other's sacks like a bunch of youngsters at the movies.  Peanut butter malted milk balls, chick o sticks, and disgusting sea salt licorice that left an ammonia taste - yech.  Chance and I each have an assortment of hard candies now to keep us in sugar treats on the trail.  I'm not sure if Chance has any left in his bag though....he earned himself the trail nickname of "Candy Man" today.

The Candy man can....
A real old fashioned Candy story....

Paul makes his selection - I believe it was the home made toffee?  Oh yes,
dipped in chocolate and coated in nuts....OMG.

Blythe and her new baby, Gemma.
Finally we arrived at Chance's cousin, Blythe's house in Temecula.  We got to meet Luca, Gemma, and her husband Pietro.  Pietro is from Italy and makes beautiful wood furnishings.  He also has done all the incredible tile work in their home.  They must also be incredible cooks because their home smelled wonderful!  It was a stay that was short but sweet, and we loved our time with Chance's family.  Luca seemed to love Paul and Donna's dog Amber, and I just couldn't get him to smile because he wasn't happy we were leaving and taking that doggie with us...

Chance with Pietro and his lovely new daughter.

Amber and Luca play in the yard

On our return, Chance and I put Eponashoes on Midnight's front feet.  Chance drove his first horseshoe nails, and of course did a great job.  Tomorrow at some point we'll change out Magic's fronts, and get those steel shoes off Clover's hind feet.

Clover is doing much better today, and moving more comfortable.  We bought him a new wool saddle pad, and we're hoping that it will prevent any further saddle sores.  Chance is planning to walk tomorrow, or perhaps we'll alternate hiking.  Anyhow, the object is to give Clover another rest day because he was so sore after our 25 mile day.

Fresh from Heaven...

We have downloaded more weight again, and purchased some new and smaller dry bags for our groceries.  We stocked up on herbal teas, potatoes, carrots, cucumber, onion, and fresh ginger.  We are reloaded with oatmeal, nuts, and mulberries, and have plenty of food to last at least 2 weeks.  I am so excited to hit the trail with less weight!  Oh - I guess I already said that a few times....

We are going to take it easy on Clover for the next week, but should be moving along pretty well, pretty soon, and expect to make Idlewild by next week, Big Bear the week after, and not long after that, another hot springs at Deep Creek.

Soak n surf

Ahhhh. Soak n surf is the name of the Internet at the pools in Warner Springs.we have decided to spend another night here. Clover is better but still a bit sore, and we are rearranging gear and enjoying the companyof our wonderful friends and the gracious hospitality of the crew taking such good care of us and our horses. We are sending another 50 pounds of gear back and I am so excited to be getting back on the trail with a simpler, downsized load. I know the horses will be thankful too.

Lighter weight and fewer objects means less hassle and less time gearing up each day.of course the obvious fact is that the horses have an easier time and can move faster and go further and stay healthier. We are getting lighter and loving it.

It's a transition though. At first you think you need a lot more than you do. As time goes by, you come to understand how little you really need, and what is important.

We have met all kinds of hikers. Malto is from Chicago, and got his nickname because his main food is maltodextrine. He only carries 12 pounds in his pack, and plans to complete theentire route in 100 days or less. Gonzo man!

Other hikers carry as much as 40 pounds and arrived here with blisters and painful knees. Just like us, feet (hooves) and skin need care and conditioning.

What a beautiful day. All of us relaxing by the pools, sittingthe shade of huge trees, eating the lovely snacks that Paul and Donna brought from Trader Joes. Later, it will be time for new Eponashoes. I replaced Maggies yesterday andlater today midnight and Magic have appointments with me. The metal shoes that Clover had new at the begining have already been replaced on the trail, and are holding well.

Later today we're planning a trip into Temecula for a few more supplies and a nice meal. Chance used toluve there so hesgoing to show us around.